Helm of the Black Legion |
K: 74427 (28%)D: 79605 (30%)A: 109121 (42%)
12866 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 2175 [Official Site] |
Wins: 6818 (53%)Losses: 6048 (47%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Amun-Ra | 2864 |
1540 (54%)1324 (46%)
Armadon | 1424 |
709 (50%)715 (50%)
Legionnaire | 1261 |
658 (52%)603 (48%)
Rampage | 850 |
489 (58%)361 (42%)
Zephyr | 767 |
342 (45%)425 (55%)
Devourer | 607 |
366 (60%)241 (40%)
Lord Salforis | 509 |
240 (47%)269 (53%)
Magebane | 412 |
189 (46%)223 (54%)
Cthulhuphant | 256 |
141 (55%)115 (45%)
Pharaoh | 243 |
161 (66%)82 (34%)
Kraken | 209 |
121 (58%)88 (42%)
Solstice | 155 |
80 (52%)75 (48%)
Bramble | 149 |
87 (58%)62 (42%)
Salomon | 131 |
48 (37%)83 (63%)
Soul Reaper | 129 |
77 (60%)52 (40%)
Drunken Master | 107 |
56 (52%)51 (48%)
Predator | 107 |
60 (56%)47 (44%)
Prisoner 945 | 101 |
65 (64%)36 (36%)
Lodestone | 100 |
45 (45%)55 (55%)
Kane | 100 |
50 (50%)50 (50%)
The Gladiator | 100 |
46 (46%)54 (54%)
Berzerker | 100 |
54 (54%)46 (46%)
Pandamonium | 97 |
62 (64%)35 (36%)
Accursed | 91 |
41 (45%)50 (55%)
Moraxus | 81 |
45 (56%)36 (44%)
Gauntlet | 77 |
45 (58%)32 (42%)
Deadlift | 71 |
40 (56%)31 (44%)
Pestilence | 70 |
37 (53%)33 (47%)
Tundra | 69 |
38 (55%)31 (45%)
Ravenor | 65 |
26 (40%)39 (60%)
Magmus | 65 |
43 (66%)22 (34%)
Balphagore | 65 |
27 (42%)38 (58%)
Hammerstorm | 61 |
37 (61%)24 (39%)
Shellshock | 57 |
32 (56%)25 (44%)
Corrupted Disciple | 57 |
26 (46%)31 (54%)
Shadowblade | 54 |
21 (39%)33 (61%)
Electrician | 54 |
31 (57%)23 (43%)
Blood Hunter | 53 |
32 (60%)21 (40%)
Jeraziah | 53 |
29 (55%)24 (45%)
Draconis | 51 |
26 (51%)25 (49%)
Sand Wraith | 50 |
35 (70%)15 (30%)
Apex | 49 |
24 (49%)25 (51%)
Monkey King | 42 |
20 (48%)22 (52%)
Defiler | 39 |
20 (51%)19 (49%)
Ichor | 36 |
22 (61%)14 (39%)
Myrmidon | 34 |
25 (74%)9 (26%)
Parasite | 32 |
19 (59%)13 (41%)
Flux | 31 |
20 (65%)11 (35%)
Swiftblade | 31 |
17 (55%)14 (45%)
Martyr | 30 |
15 (50%)15 (50%)