Iron Buckler |
K: 113302 (28%)D: 153165 (38%)A: 141336 (34%)
26683 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 225 [Official Site] |
Wins: 10154 (38%)Losses: 16529 (62%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Solstice | 2268 |
834 (37%)1434 (63%)
Devourer | 1379 |
576 (42%)803 (58%)
Legionnaire | 1277 |
424 (33%)853 (67%)
Scout | 937 |
382 (41%)555 (59%)
Rampage | 933 |
398 (43%)535 (57%)
Predator | 924 |
363 (39%)561 (61%)
Ravenor | 855 |
289 (34%)566 (66%)
Swiftblade | 848 |
319 (38%)529 (62%)
Nomad | 673 |
254 (38%)419 (62%)
Blood Hunter | 650 |
305 (47%)345 (53%)
Pandamonium | 611 |
248 (41%)363 (59%)
Chronos | 568 |
208 (37%)360 (63%)
Magebane | 544 |
197 (36%)347 (64%)
Kraken | 541 |
192 (35%)349 (65%)
Pebbles | 536 |
217 (40%)319 (60%)
Dampeer | 490 |
156 (32%)334 (68%)
Hammerstorm | 481 |
175 (36%)306 (64%)
Pestilence | 465 |
182 (39%)283 (61%)
Pharaoh | 444 |
182 (41%)262 (59%)
Gauntlet | 438 |
161 (37%)277 (63%)
Deadwood | 432 |
187 (43%)245 (57%)
Night Hound | 414 |
179 (43%)235 (57%)
The Gladiator | 397 |
175 (44%)222 (56%)
Kane | 385 |
168 (44%)217 (56%)
Amun-Ra | 379 |
103 (27%)276 (73%)
Lord Salforis | 364 |
139 (38%)225 (62%)
Sir Benzington | 356 |
141 (40%)215 (60%)
Magmus | 336 |
137 (41%)199 (59%)
Armadon | 330 |
66 (20%)264 (80%)
The Madman | 306 |
82 (27%)224 (73%)
Rally | 303 |
121 (40%)182 (60%)
Fayde | 298 |
151 (51%)147 (49%)
Berzerker | 295 |
118 (40%)177 (60%)
Jeraziah | 278 |
125 (45%)153 (55%)
Monkey King | 274 |
83 (30%)191 (70%)
Cthulhuphant | 273 |
87 (32%)186 (68%)
Grinex | 264 |
126 (48%)138 (52%)
Shadowblade | 264 |
78 (30%)186 (70%)
The Dark Lady | 262 |
118 (45%)144 (55%)
Sand Wraith | 234 |
90 (38%)144 (62%)
Bramble | 230 |
93 (40%)137 (60%)
Prisoner 945 | 217 |
74 (34%)143 (66%)
Drunken Master | 206 |
73 (35%)133 (65%)
Deadlift | 199 |
65 (33%)134 (67%)
Electrician | 187 |
76 (41%)111 (59%)
Moraxus | 183 |
84 (46%)99 (54%)
Salomon | 182 |
44 (24%)138 (76%)
Maliken | 162 |
60 (37%)102 (63%)
Apex | 159 |
68 (43%)91 (57%)
Balphagore | 154 |
49 (32%)105 (68%)