Engineer |
K: 13584 (26%)D: 16605 (32%)A: 21117 (42%)
2546 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Ranged | Intelligence [Official Site] |
Wins: 1248 (49%)Losses: 1298 (51%)
Most Purchased Items | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Striders | 1692 |
773 (46%)919 (54%)
Blood Chalice | 1396 |
712 (51%)684 (49%)
Grave Locket | 905 |
478 (53%)427 (47%)
Portal Key | 672 |
399 (59%)273 (41%)
Spellshards | 668 |
379 (57%)289 (43%)
Tablet of Command | 416 |
249 (60%)167 (40%)
Staff of the Master | 320 |
208 (65%)112 (35%)
Post Haste | 313 |
224 (72%)89 (28%)
Stormspirit | 252 |
161 (64%)91 (36%)
Ghost Marchers | 225 |
121 (54%)104 (46%)
Void Talisman | 211 |
110 (52%)101 (48%)
Glowstone | 204 |
92 (45%)112 (55%)
Ring of Sorcery | 163 |
89 (55%)74 (45%)
Sacrificial Stone | 159 |
94 (59%)65 (41%)
Sand Scepter | 122 |
63 (52%)59 (48%)
Mighty Blade | 109 |
51 (47%)58 (53%)
Sorcery Boots | 91 |
47 (52%)44 (48%)
Masters Legacy | 85 |
68 (80%)17 (20%)
Spell Sunder | 74 |
36 (49%)38 (51%)
Null Stone | 73 |
42 (58%)31 (42%)
Steamboots | 67 |
23 (34%)44 (66%)
Soultrap | 62 |
25 (40%)37 (60%)
Sustainer | 62 |
31 (50%)31 (50%)
Neophyte's Book | 58 |
27 (47%)31 (53%)
Perpetual Cogwheel | 57 |
24 (42%)33 (58%)
Astrolabe | 51 |
29 (57%)22 (43%)
Energizer | 46 |
27 (59%)19 (41%)
Shaman's Headdress | 44 |
26 (59%)18 (41%)
Alchemist's Bones | 44 |
23 (52%)21 (48%)
Restoration Stone | 39 |
26 (67%)13 (33%)
Kuldra's Sheepstick | 38 |
26 (68%)12 (32%)
Manatube | 36 |
19 (53%)17 (47%)
Jade Spire | 33 |
18 (55%)15 (45%)
Luminous Prism | 33 |
11 (33%)22 (67%)
Assassin's Shroud | 30 |
17 (57%)13 (43%)
Codex | 30 |
22 (73%)8 (27%)
Barbed Armor | 27 |
14 (52%)13 (48%)
Quickblade | 23 |
8 (35%)15 (65%)
Bound Eye | 22 |
22 (100%)0 (0%)
Blessed Orb | 21 |
13 (62%)8 (38%)
Shrunken Head | 20 |
11 (55%)9 (45%)
Lightbrand | 19 |
10 (53%)9 (47%)
Spiked Bola | 19 |
15 (79%)4 (21%)
Starscribe Boots | 19 |
15 (79%)4 (21%)
Hellflower | 16 |
10 (63%)6 (37%)
Icon of the Goddess | 16 |
11 (69%)5 (31%)
Arcane Bomb | 16 |
8 (50%)8 (50%)
Arcana | 16 |
6 (38%)10 (62%)
Pegasus Boots | 16 |
13 (81%)3 (19%)
Barrier Idol | 15 |
10 (67%)5 (33%)
Player | MatchId | Level | Date | Length | K | D | KDR | A | CK | CD | XP/M | G/M | A/M | Wards | MMR | MK | FK | ☰ |
Player | MatchId | Level | Date | Length | K | D | KDR | A | CK | CD | XP/M | G/M | A/M | Wards | MMR | MK | FK | ☰ |
Player | MatchId | Level | Date | Length | K | D | KDR | A | CK | CD | XP/M | G/M | A/M | Wards | PSR | MK | FK | ☰ |
None |