Tablet of Command |
K: 66107 (24%)D: 76620 (28%)A: 133254 (48%)
11799 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 1800 [Official Site] |
Wins: 6997 (59%)Losses: 4802 (41%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Blood Hunter | 682 |
392 (57%)290 (43%)
Witch Slayer | 664 |
430 (65%)234 (35%)
Devourer | 566 |
315 (56%)251 (44%)
Magmus | 454 |
265 (58%)189 (42%)
The Chipper | 418 |
240 (57%)178 (43%)
Engineer | 416 |
249 (60%)167 (40%)
Empath | 391 |
232 (59%)159 (41%)
Vindicator | 385 |
220 (57%)165 (43%)
Voodoo Jester | 377 |
226 (60%)151 (40%)
Nymphora | 369 |
226 (61%)143 (39%)
Glacius | 339 |
209 (62%)130 (38%)
Demented Shaman | 335 |
227 (68%)108 (32%)
Aluna | 315 |
192 (61%)123 (39%)
Monarch | 289 |
184 (64%)105 (36%)
Myrmidon | 286 |
165 (58%)121 (42%)
Plague Rider | 267 |
132 (49%)135 (51%)
Riftwalker | 247 |
130 (53%)117 (47%)
Kinesis | 244 |
152 (62%)92 (38%)
Soul Reaper | 223 |
149 (67%)74 (33%)
Rhapsody | 215 |
141 (66%)74 (34%)
Behemoth | 175 |
117 (67%)58 (33%)
Pollywog Priest | 173 |
112 (65%)61 (35%)
Andromeda | 161 |
108 (67%)53 (33%)
Pearl | 150 |
99 (66%)51 (34%)
Rampage | 144 |
87 (60%)57 (40%)
Lord Salforis | 143 |
81 (57%)62 (43%)
Skrap | 143 |
83 (58%)60 (42%)
Pyromancer | 138 |
80 (58%)58 (42%)
Martyr | 137 |
87 (64%)50 (36%)
Blacksmith | 126 |
70 (56%)56 (44%)
Revenant | 123 |
72 (59%)51 (41%)
Prophet | 123 |
80 (65%)43 (35%)
Torturer | 116 |
60 (52%)56 (48%)
Blitz | 112 |
73 (65%)39 (35%)
Emerald Warden | 107 |
63 (59%)44 (41%)
Bubbles | 102 |
60 (59%)42 (41%)
Ellonia | 100 |
39 (39%)61 (61%)
Geomancer | 99 |
63 (64%)36 (36%)
Thunderbringer | 92 |
47 (51%)45 (49%)
Bombardier | 91 |
40 (44%)51 (56%)
Midas | 84 |
44 (52%)40 (48%)
Circe | 73 |
47 (64%)26 (36%)
Moira | 71 |
41 (58%)30 (42%)
Gravekeeper | 69 |
35 (51%)34 (49%)
Pharaoh | 68 |
43 (63%)25 (37%)
Succubus | 63 |
39 (62%)24 (38%)
Accursed | 63 |
34 (54%)29 (46%)
Gauntlet | 62 |
30 (48%)32 (52%)
Slither | 57 |
35 (61%)22 (39%)
Fayde | 49 |
38 (78%)11 (22%)