Nome's Wisdom |
K: 35392 (26%)D: 36114 (26%)A: 66176 (48%)
5982 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 2050 [Official Site] |
Wins: 3781 (63%)Losses: 2201 (37%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Soul Reaper | 1114 |
724 (65%)390 (35%)
Demented Shaman | 702 |
506 (72%)196 (28%)
Wretched Hag | 394 |
250 (63%)144 (37%)
Torturer | 364 |
218 (60%)146 (40%)
Kinesis | 340 |
226 (66%)114 (34%)
Warchief | 228 |
143 (63%)85 (37%)
Oogie | 224 |
113 (50%)111 (50%)
Electrician | 213 |
131 (62%)82 (38%)
Skrap | 162 |
99 (61%)63 (39%)
Artesia | 154 |
87 (56%)67 (44%)
Balphagore | 132 |
77 (58%)55 (42%)
Slither | 117 |
56 (48%)61 (52%)
Armadon | 115 |
73 (63%)42 (37%)
Lord Salforis | 104 |
61 (59%)43 (41%)
Prophet | 90 |
55 (61%)35 (39%)
Ellonia | 88 |
53 (60%)35 (40%)
Monarch | 80 |
53 (66%)27 (34%)
Nymphora | 75 |
48 (64%)27 (36%)
Blacksmith | 71 |
46 (65%)25 (35%)
Accursed | 66 |
48 (73%)18 (27%)
Parallax | 63 |
38 (60%)25 (40%)
Ichor | 60 |
41 (68%)19 (32%)
Glacius | 57 |
44 (77%)13 (23%)
Deadlift | 48 |
30 (63%)18 (37%)
Defiler | 47 |
28 (60%)19 (40%)
Voodoo Jester | 42 |
24 (57%)18 (43%)
Geomancer | 39 |
22 (56%)17 (44%)
Doctor Repulsor | 39 |
25 (64%)14 (36%)
The Chipper | 38 |
21 (55%)17 (45%)
Witch Slayer | 38 |
23 (61%)15 (39%)
Pearl | 32 |
22 (69%)10 (31%)
Rhapsody | 32 |
19 (59%)13 (41%)
Riftwalker | 31 |
17 (55%)14 (45%)
Myrmidon | 30 |
19 (63%)11 (37%)
Empath | 29 |
24 (83%)5 (17%)
Bubbles | 28 |
16 (57%)12 (43%)
Hellbringer | 28 |
16 (57%)12 (43%)
Adrenaline | 27 |
10 (37%)17 (63%)
Ophelia | 27 |
16 (59%)11 (41%)
King Klout | 25 |
16 (64%)9 (36%)
Engineer | 19 |
10 (53%)9 (47%)
Midas | 16 |
13 (81%)3 (19%)
Keeper of the Forest | 16 |
7 (44%)9 (56%)
Shellshock | 14 |
9 (64%)5 (36%)
Aluna | 14 |
10 (71%)4 (29%)
Pyromancer | 14 |
11 (79%)3 (21%)
Chi | 14 |
7 (50%)7 (50%)
Circe | 13 |
8 (62%)5 (38%)
Andromeda | 13 |
9 (69%)4 (31%)
Tempest | 13 |
8 (62%)5 (38%)