Null Stone |
K: 83937 (40%)D: 49804 (24%)A: 78067 (36%)
8190 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 4500 [Official Site] |
Wins: 5414 (66%)Losses: 2776 (34%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Silhouette | 533 |
297 (56%)236 (44%)
Pyromancer | 437 |
295 (68%)142 (32%)
Wretched Hag | 402 |
254 (63%)148 (37%)
Swiftblade | 273 |
179 (66%)94 (34%)
Bubbles | 254 |
181 (71%)73 (29%)
Soulstealer | 248 |
162 (65%)86 (35%)
Flint Beastwood | 247 |
153 (62%)94 (38%)
Nomad | 233 |
166 (71%)67 (29%)
Pandamonium | 206 |
137 (67%)69 (33%)
Doctor Repulsor | 194 |
134 (69%)60 (31%)
Valkyrie | 158 |
104 (66%)54 (34%)
Forsaken Archer | 155 |
105 (68%)50 (32%)
Tarot | 135 |
98 (73%)37 (27%)
Monkey King | 128 |
87 (68%)41 (32%)
Grinex | 125 |
82 (66%)43 (34%)
Midas | 125 |
69 (55%)56 (45%)
Scout | 123 |
75 (61%)48 (39%)
Bushwack | 122 |
71 (58%)51 (42%)
Arachna | 120 |
87 (73%)33 (27%)
Emerald Warden | 119 |
78 (66%)41 (34%)
Dampeer | 115 |
81 (70%)34 (30%)
The Madman | 105 |
67 (64%)38 (36%)
Soul Reaper | 104 |
70 (67%)34 (33%)
Klanx | 96 |
56 (58%)40 (42%)
Ellonia | 91 |
61 (67%)30 (33%)
Gravekeeper | 87 |
59 (68%)28 (32%)
Gunblade | 85 |
58 (68%)27 (32%)
Ravenor | 78 |
60 (77%)18 (23%)
Riftwalker | 78 |
51 (65%)27 (35%)
Thunderbringer | 78 |
55 (71%)23 (29%)
Voodoo Jester | 78 |
61 (78%)17 (22%)
Corrupted Disciple | 77 |
51 (66%)26 (34%)
Revenant | 75 |
53 (71%)22 (29%)
Bombardier | 73 |
40 (55%)33 (45%)
Tempest | 72 |
51 (71%)21 (29%)
Artillery | 71 |
41 (58%)30 (42%)
Moon Queen | 70 |
55 (79%)15 (21%)
Deadwood | 67 |
46 (69%)21 (31%)
Sir Benzington | 65 |
37 (57%)28 (43%)
Puppet Master | 63 |
42 (67%)21 (33%)
Predator | 59 |
36 (61%)23 (39%)
The Dark Lady | 57 |
36 (63%)21 (37%)
Pollywog Priest | 56 |
40 (71%)16 (29%)
Calamity | 54 |
39 (72%)15 (28%)
Torturer | 54 |
38 (70%)16 (30%)
Witch Slayer | 53 |
40 (75%)13 (25%)
Night Hound | 52 |
40 (77%)12 (23%)
Blood Hunter | 51 |
34 (67%)17 (33%)
Parallax | 50 |
29 (58%)21 (42%)
Draconis | 49 |
24 (49%)25 (51%)