Ghost Marchers |
K: 261355 (35%)D: 218303 (29%)A: 268353 (36%)
37857 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 1500 [Official Site] |
Wins: 19149 (51%)Losses: 18708 (49%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Swiftblade | 2115 |
1081 (51%)1034 (49%)
Solstice | 1875 |
854 (46%)1021 (54%)
Scout | 1751 |
819 (47%)932 (53%)
Nomad | 1613 |
851 (53%)762 (47%)
Grinex | 1447 |
846 (58%)601 (42%)
Pandamonium | 1225 |
629 (51%)596 (49%)
Deadwood | 1184 |
698 (59%)486 (41%)
Dampeer | 1176 |
586 (50%)590 (50%)
The Dark Lady | 943 |
457 (48%)486 (52%)
Arachna | 934 |
481 (51%)453 (49%)
Flint Beastwood | 914 |
455 (50%)459 (50%)
Valkyrie | 902 |
458 (51%)444 (49%)
Draconis | 890 |
466 (52%)424 (48%)
Lord Salforis | 889 |
432 (49%)457 (51%)
Gauntlet | 733 |
379 (52%)354 (48%)
Silhouette | 694 |
327 (47%)367 (53%)
Emerald Warden | 687 |
352 (51%)335 (49%)
The Gladiator | 674 |
315 (47%)359 (53%)
Rampage | 657 |
354 (54%)303 (46%)
Tarot | 627 |
302 (48%)325 (52%)
Gunblade | 614 |
294 (48%)320 (52%)
Amun-Ra | 613 |
346 (56%)267 (44%)
Zephyr | 549 |
258 (47%)291 (53%)
Bushwack | 508 |
226 (44%)282 (56%)
Blood Hunter | 489 |
262 (54%)227 (46%)
Keeper of the Forest | 459 |
239 (52%)220 (48%)
Puppet Master | 452 |
186 (41%)266 (59%)
Master Of Arms | 440 |
218 (50%)222 (50%)
Soul Reaper | 433 |
235 (54%)198 (46%)
Forsaken Archer | 432 |
233 (54%)199 (46%)
Monkey King | 429 |
209 (49%)220 (51%)
Night Hound | 414 |
217 (52%)197 (48%)
Drunken Master | 391 |
178 (46%)213 (54%)
Devourer | 327 |
181 (55%)146 (45%)
Wildsoul | 316 |
147 (47%)169 (53%)
Calamity | 306 |
160 (52%)146 (48%)
Parasite | 304 |
157 (52%)147 (48%)
Gravekeeper | 282 |
145 (51%)137 (49%)
Jeraziah | 267 |
135 (51%)132 (49%)
Predator | 264 |
129 (49%)135 (51%)
Tremble | 261 |
129 (49%)132 (51%)
Salomon | 258 |
90 (35%)168 (65%)
Artillery | 250 |
132 (53%)118 (47%)
Witch Slayer | 250 |
128 (51%)122 (49%)
Armadon | 234 |
124 (53%)110 (47%)
Rally | 231 |
125 (54%)106 (46%)
Magmus | 220 |
124 (56%)96 (44%)
Slither | 215 |
107 (50%)108 (50%)
Corrupted Disciple | 208 |
103 (50%)105 (50%)
Fayde | 194 |
112 (58%)82 (42%)