Sir Benzington |
K: 9464 (40%)D: 6866 (29%)A: 7382 (31%)
1111 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Melee | Agility [Official Site] |
Wins: 540 (49%)Losses: 571 (51%)
Most Purchased Items | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Steamboots | 793 |
386 (49%)407 (51%)
Madfred's Brass Knuckles | 419 |
196 (47%)223 (53%)
Thunderclaw | 360 |
169 (47%)191 (53%)
Shrunken Head | 289 |
170 (59%)119 (41%)
Hypercrown | 288 |
186 (65%)102 (35%)
Ghost Marchers | 229 |
121 (53%)108 (47%)
Geometer's Bane | 146 |
103 (71%)43 (29%)
Nullfire Blade | 127 |
72 (57%)55 (43%)
Blood Chalice | 107 |
58 (54%)49 (46%)
Firebrand | 94 |
46 (49%)48 (51%)
Alchemist's Bones | 78 |
40 (51%)38 (49%)
Wingbow | 61 |
51 (84%)10 (16%)
Null Stone | 60 |
45 (75%)15 (25%)
Whispering Helm | 54 |
34 (63%)20 (37%)
Oblivion Hammer | 53 |
41 (77%)12 (23%)
Mighty Blade | 53 |
11 (21%)42 (79%)
Warhammer | 50 |
14 (28%)36 (72%)
Quickblade | 49 |
11 (22%)38 (78%)
Brutalizer | 47 |
27 (57%)20 (43%)
Voltstone | 42 |
4 (10%)38 (90%)
Codex | 37 |
24 (65%)13 (35%)
Alacrity Band | 35 |
9 (26%)26 (74%)
Sacrificial Stone | 35 |
19 (54%)16 (46%)
Elder Parasite | 29 |
18 (62%)11 (38%)
Helm of the Black Legion | 25 |
12 (48%)13 (52%)
Staff of the Master | 24 |
20 (83%)4 (17%)
Runed Cleaver | 23 |
11 (48%)12 (52%)
Twin Blades | 20 |
14 (70%)6 (30%)
Energizer | 19 |
12 (63%)7 (37%)
Striders | 18 |
6 (33%)12 (67%)
Warpcleft | 15 |
9 (60%)6 (40%)
Symbol of Rage | 14 |
13 (93%)1 (7%)
Daemonic Breastplate | 12 |
9 (75%)3 (25%)
Savage Mace | 12 |
10 (83%)2 (17%)
Grave Locket | 11 |
3 (27%)8 (73%)
Frostburn | 11 |
8 (73%)3 (27%)
Hungry Spirit | 11 |
3 (27%)8 (73%)
Riftshards | 11 |
7 (64%)4 (36%)
Player | MatchId | Level | Date | Length | K | D | KDR | A | CK | CD | XP/M | G/M | A/M | Wards | MMR | MK | FK | ☰ |
Player | MatchId | Level | Date | Length | K | D | KDR | A | CK | CD | XP/M | G/M | A/M | Wards | MMR | MK | FK | ☰ |
Player | MatchId | Level | Date | Length | K | D | KDR | A | CK | CD | XP/M | G/M | A/M | Wards | PSR | MK | FK | ☰ |
None |