Madfred's Brass Knuckles |
K: 143515 (36%)D: 118318 (30%)A: 134980 (34%)
19848 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 1200 [Official Site] |
Wins: 10088 (51%)Losses: 9760 (49%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Bushwack | 2203 |
1338 (61%)865 (39%)
Flint Beastwood | 1980 |
940 (47%)1040 (53%)
Night Hound | 1252 |
637 (51%)615 (49%)
Valkyrie | 1171 |
560 (48%)611 (52%)
Arachna | 927 |
450 (49%)477 (51%)
Scout | 799 |
399 (50%)400 (50%)
Gunblade | 747 |
360 (48%)387 (52%)
Tarot | 680 |
326 (48%)354 (52%)
Grinex | 653 |
374 (57%)279 (43%)
Blood Hunter | 589 |
294 (50%)295 (50%)
Puppet Master | 582 |
266 (46%)316 (54%)
Emerald Warden | 579 |
319 (55%)260 (45%)
Sir Benzington | 539 |
274 (51%)265 (49%)
Forsaken Archer | 527 |
242 (46%)285 (54%)
Monkey King | 509 |
243 (48%)266 (52%)
Artillery | 357 |
173 (48%)184 (52%)
Silhouette | 351 |
165 (47%)186 (53%)
Chronos | 327 |
176 (54%)151 (46%)
Nomad | 312 |
160 (51%)152 (49%)
Sapphire | 301 |
144 (48%)157 (52%)
Riptide | 292 |
153 (52%)139 (48%)
Master Of Arms | 280 |
129 (46%)151 (54%)
Soulstealer | 269 |
136 (51%)133 (49%)
Swiftblade | 264 |
135 (51%)129 (49%)
Corrupted Disciple | 247 |
112 (45%)135 (55%)
Nitro | 237 |
130 (55%)107 (45%)
Solstice | 184 |
89 (48%)95 (52%)
Moon Queen | 174 |
84 (48%)90 (52%)
Calamity | 172 |
81 (47%)91 (53%)
Klanx | 170 |
66 (39%)104 (61%)
Sand Wraith | 168 |
102 (61%)66 (39%)
Tremble | 162 |
74 (46%)88 (54%)
Shadowblade | 120 |
56 (47%)64 (53%)
Rampage | 115 |
64 (56%)51 (44%)
The Gladiator | 115 |
66 (57%)49 (43%)
Gemini | 99 |
47 (47%)52 (53%)
Pandamonium | 91 |
48 (53%)43 (47%)
Drunken Master | 83 |
40 (48%)43 (52%)
The Dark Lady | 82 |
35 (43%)47 (57%)
Wildsoul | 77 |
38 (49%)39 (51%)
Fayde | 66 |
39 (59%)27 (41%)
Vindicator | 59 |
26 (44%)33 (56%)
Magebane | 50 |
23 (46%)27 (54%)
Slither | 47 |
25 (53%)22 (47%)
Ravenor | 46 |
24 (52%)22 (48%)
Predator | 45 |
29 (64%)16 (36%)
Blitz | 43 |
20 (47%)23 (53%)
Gauntlet | 40 |
22 (55%)18 (45%)
Flux | 31 |
18 (58%)13 (42%)
Andromeda | 29 |
14 (48%)15 (52%)