Shrunken Head |
K: 140922 (40%)D: 83195 (24%)A: 127657 (36%)
13645 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 3900 [Official Site] |
Wins: 8306 (61%)Losses: 5339 (39%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Ravenor | 794 |
480 (60%)314 (40%)
Solstice | 748 |
455 (61%)293 (39%)
War Beast | 519 |
299 (58%)220 (42%)
Pandamonium | 502 |
302 (60%)200 (40%)
Tempest | 423 |
276 (65%)147 (35%)
The Dark Lady | 392 |
243 (62%)149 (38%)
Soulstealer | 387 |
241 (62%)146 (38%)
Hammerstorm | 383 |
237 (62%)146 (38%)
Scout | 351 |
203 (58%)148 (42%)
Forsaken Archer | 318 |
192 (60%)126 (40%)
Nomad | 311 |
180 (58%)131 (42%)
Blood Hunter | 296 |
182 (61%)114 (39%)
Moon Queen | 292 |
191 (65%)101 (35%)
Kraken | 257 |
167 (65%)90 (35%)
The Madman | 248 |
140 (56%)108 (44%)
Grinex | 245 |
155 (63%)90 (37%)
Legionnaire | 238 |
162 (68%)76 (32%)
Dampeer | 238 |
143 (60%)95 (40%)
Sir Benzington | 234 |
142 (61%)92 (39%)
Maliken | 231 |
130 (56%)101 (44%)
Chronos | 225 |
143 (64%)82 (36%)
Magebane | 205 |
127 (62%)78 (38%)
Deadwood | 200 |
133 (67%)67 (33%)
Corrupted Disciple | 179 |
96 (54%)83 (46%)
Wildsoul | 177 |
94 (53%)83 (47%)
Berzerker | 167 |
104 (62%)63 (38%)
Night Hound | 165 |
107 (65%)58 (35%)
Silhouette | 165 |
95 (58%)70 (42%)
Pestilence | 162 |
112 (69%)50 (31%)
Tarot | 160 |
107 (67%)53 (33%)
Bushwack | 154 |
88 (57%)66 (43%)
Rampage | 149 |
96 (64%)53 (36%)
Shadowblade | 138 |
81 (59%)57 (41%)
Lord Salforis | 135 |
75 (56%)60 (44%)
Gunblade | 131 |
76 (58%)55 (42%)
Arachna | 131 |
85 (65%)46 (35%)
Draconis | 128 |
76 (59%)52 (41%)
Puppet Master | 126 |
70 (56%)56 (44%)
Pyromancer | 123 |
89 (72%)34 (28%)
Kane | 121 |
94 (78%)27 (22%)
Pebbles | 115 |
75 (65%)40 (35%)
Devourer | 114 |
70 (61%)44 (39%)
Klanx | 114 |
61 (54%)53 (46%)
Gauntlet | 112 |
67 (60%)45 (40%)
Tremble | 105 |
66 (63%)39 (37%)
Master Of Arms | 95 |
49 (52%)46 (48%)
Sand Wraith | 89 |
50 (56%)39 (44%)
Swiftblade | 89 |
54 (61%)35 (39%)
Salomon | 84 |
44 (52%)40 (48%)
Wretched Hag | 81 |
52 (64%)29 (36%)