Riftshards |
K: 16542 (41%)D: 9352 (23%)A: 14700 (36%)
1501 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 3325 [Official Site] |
Wins: 1029 (69%)Losses: 472 (31%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
The Gladiator | 241 |
149 (62%)92 (38%)
Hammerstorm | 139 |
89 (64%)50 (36%)
Sapphire | 100 |
63 (63%)37 (37%)
Chronos | 86 |
58 (67%)28 (33%)
Flint Beastwood | 72 |
50 (69%)22 (31%)
Solstice | 64 |
40 (63%)24 (37%)
Night Hound | 58 |
43 (74%)15 (26%)
The Dark Lady | 53 |
37 (70%)16 (30%)
Artillery | 46 |
22 (48%)24 (52%)
Scout | 41 |
30 (73%)11 (27%)
Grinex | 35 |
31 (89%)4 (11%)
Maliken | 32 |
24 (75%)8 (25%)
Valkyrie | 28 |
16 (57%)12 (43%)
Pandamonium | 26 |
21 (81%)5 (19%)
Arachna | 26 |
17 (65%)9 (35%)
Bushwack | 24 |
17 (71%)7 (29%)
Moon Queen | 23 |
21 (91%)2 (9%)
Nomad | 21 |
16 (76%)5 (24%)
Pyromancer | 20 |
16 (80%)4 (20%)
Forsaken Archer | 18 |
13 (72%)5 (28%)
Soulstealer | 17 |
11 (65%)6 (35%)
Berzerker | 17 |
11 (65%)6 (35%)
The Madman | 16 |
13 (81%)3 (19%)
Swiftblade | 14 |
9 (64%)5 (36%)
Master Of Arms | 14 |
10 (71%)4 (29%)
Sir Benzington | 13 |
11 (85%)2 (15%)
Puppet Master | 13 |
8 (62%)5 (38%)
Predator | 13 |
11 (85%)2 (15%)
Behemoth | 12 |
7 (58%)5 (42%)
War Beast | 12 |
11 (92%)1 (8%)
Parasite | 11 |
9 (82%)2 (18%)