Toxin Claws |
K: 53660 (32%)D: 52671 (32%)A: 59353 (36%)
9591 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 270 [Official Site] |
Wins: 4365 (46%)Losses: 5226 (54%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Night Hound | 1135 |
508 (45%)627 (55%)
Predator | 1053 |
514 (49%)539 (51%)
Scout | 939 |
436 (46%)503 (54%)
Magebane | 722 |
345 (48%)377 (52%)
Swiftblade | 581 |
256 (44%)325 (56%)
Nomad | 534 |
223 (42%)311 (58%)
Sand Wraith | 337 |
149 (44%)188 (56%)
The Dark Lady | 281 |
107 (38%)174 (62%)
Rampage | 273 |
122 (45%)151 (55%)
Sir Benzington | 266 |
107 (40%)159 (60%)
Solstice | 249 |
113 (45%)136 (55%)
Ravenor | 224 |
94 (42%)130 (58%)
Amun-Ra | 207 |
110 (53%)97 (47%)
Chronos | 199 |
82 (41%)117 (59%)
Grinex | 154 |
85 (55%)69 (45%)
The Madman | 147 |
48 (33%)99 (67%)
Gauntlet | 127 |
63 (50%)64 (50%)
Slither | 106 |
56 (53%)50 (47%)
Blood Hunter | 105 |
46 (44%)59 (56%)
Tremble | 99 |
45 (45%)54 (55%)
War Beast | 83 |
44 (53%)39 (47%)
Blacksmith | 70 |
40 (57%)30 (43%)
Pestilence | 67 |
35 (52%)32 (48%)
Hammerstorm | 66 |
24 (36%)42 (64%)
Rally | 56 |
27 (48%)29 (52%)
Drunken Master | 56 |
27 (48%)29 (52%)
Accursed | 55 |
27 (49%)28 (51%)
Keeper of the Forest | 55 |
28 (51%)27 (49%)
Bushwack | 55 |
22 (40%)33 (60%)
Tundra | 54 |
28 (52%)26 (48%)
Berzerker | 45 |
19 (42%)26 (58%)
Flint Beastwood | 45 |
20 (44%)25 (56%)
Prisoner 945 | 45 |
18 (40%)27 (60%)
Jeraziah | 43 |
19 (44%)24 (56%)
Magmus | 37 |
16 (43%)21 (57%)
Arachna | 37 |
16 (43%)21 (57%)
Kane | 36 |
22 (61%)14 (39%)
Riptide | 34 |
18 (53%)16 (47%)
Shadowblade | 33 |
13 (39%)20 (61%)
Fayde | 29 |
14 (48%)15 (52%)
Draconis | 27 |
12 (44%)15 (56%)
Deadlift | 27 |
11 (41%)16 (59%)
Ichor | 27 |
15 (56%)12 (44%)
Dampeer | 26 |
9 (35%)17 (65%)
Valkyrie | 26 |
11 (42%)15 (58%)
Zephyr | 24 |
12 (50%)12 (50%)
Circe | 23 |
15 (65%)8 (35%)
Xemplar | 21 |
11 (52%)10 (48%)
Blitz | 21 |
9 (43%)12 (57%)
Armadon | 20 |
12 (60%)8 (40%)