Mystic Vestments |
K: 96872 (26%)D: 123996 (33%)A: 150653 (41%)
19292 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 500 [Official Site] |
Wins: 8248 (43%)Losses: 11044 (57%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Devourer | 888 |
315 (35%)573 (65%)
Witch Slayer | 480 |
279 (58%)201 (42%)
Pharaoh | 449 |
227 (51%)222 (49%)
Plague Rider | 435 |
213 (49%)222 (51%)
Rampage | 406 |
174 (43%)232 (57%)
Wretched Hag | 398 |
162 (41%)236 (59%)
Magmus | 351 |
147 (42%)204 (58%)
Myrmidon | 332 |
148 (45%)184 (55%)
Martyr | 313 |
168 (54%)145 (46%)
Magebane | 312 |
111 (36%)201 (64%)
Kraken | 309 |
136 (44%)173 (56%)
Voodoo Jester | 302 |
136 (45%)166 (55%)
Solstice | 278 |
97 (35%)181 (65%)
Gauntlet | 278 |
125 (45%)153 (55%)
Ravenor | 263 |
92 (35%)171 (65%)
Glacius | 247 |
125 (51%)122 (49%)
Ichor | 233 |
107 (46%)126 (54%)
Amun-Ra | 232 |
69 (30%)163 (70%)
Kinesis | 230 |
82 (36%)148 (64%)
Pandamonium | 224 |
100 (45%)124 (55%)
Pyromancer | 224 |
94 (42%)130 (58%)
Deadwood | 221 |
120 (54%)101 (46%)
Legionnaire | 221 |
76 (34%)145 (66%)
Corrupted Disciple | 214 |
70 (33%)144 (67%)
Kane | 210 |
121 (58%)89 (42%)
Draconis | 205 |
88 (43%)117 (57%)
Demented Shaman | 196 |
84 (43%)112 (57%)
Armadon | 195 |
56 (29%)139 (71%)
Pestilence | 190 |
99 (52%)91 (48%)
Moraxus | 189 |
93 (49%)96 (51%)
Lord Salforis | 188 |
61 (32%)127 (68%)
Blitz | 179 |
88 (49%)91 (51%)
Bubbles | 179 |
83 (46%)96 (54%)
Grinex | 178 |
98 (55%)80 (45%)
Nomad | 178 |
78 (44%)100 (56%)
Behemoth | 171 |
87 (51%)84 (49%)
Engineer | 169 |
75 (44%)94 (56%)
Pebbles | 166 |
83 (50%)83 (50%)
Blood Hunter | 163 |
76 (47%)87 (53%)
Slither | 159 |
73 (46%)86 (54%)
Dampeer | 159 |
69 (43%)90 (57%)
Blacksmith | 157 |
72 (46%)85 (54%)
Zephyr | 151 |
61 (40%)90 (60%)
Geomancer | 150 |
68 (45%)82 (55%)
The Gladiator | 146 |
60 (41%)86 (59%)
Bramble | 143 |
67 (47%)76 (53%)
Soulstealer | 143 |
54 (38%)89 (62%)
Rally | 143 |
71 (50%)72 (50%)
The Chipper | 143 |
71 (50%)72 (50%)
Swiftblade | 138 |
40 (29%)98 (71%)