Mystic Vestments |
K: 96568 (26%)D: 123267 (34%)A: 146067 (40%)
19177 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 500 [Official Site] |
Wins: 8242 (43%)Losses: 10935 (57%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Devourer | 990 |
384 (39%)606 (61%)
Pharaoh | 604 |
320 (53%)284 (47%)
Wretched Hag | 479 |
196 (41%)283 (59%)
Rampage | 445 |
199 (45%)246 (55%)
Witch Slayer | 411 |
216 (53%)195 (47%)
Plague Rider | 389 |
205 (53%)184 (47%)
Magebane | 319 |
138 (43%)181 (57%)
Magmus | 297 |
135 (45%)162 (55%)
Myrmidon | 291 |
137 (47%)154 (53%)
Armadon | 281 |
98 (35%)183 (65%)
Glacius | 276 |
134 (49%)142 (51%)
Voodoo Jester | 270 |
129 (48%)141 (52%)
Pyromancer | 250 |
99 (40%)151 (60%)
Gauntlet | 247 |
107 (43%)140 (57%)
Solstice | 235 |
81 (34%)154 (66%)
Kinesis | 230 |
87 (38%)143 (62%)
Legionnaire | 229 |
86 (38%)143 (62%)
Drunken Master | 229 |
85 (37%)144 (63%)
Ravenor | 228 |
97 (43%)131 (57%)
Pandamonium | 221 |
97 (44%)124 (56%)
Engineer | 219 |
116 (53%)103 (47%)
Bushwack | 213 |
94 (44%)119 (56%)
Kraken | 208 |
79 (38%)129 (62%)
Prisoner 945 | 205 |
94 (46%)111 (54%)
Amun-Ra | 200 |
63 (32%)137 (68%)
Pebbles | 196 |
73 (37%)123 (63%)
The Chipper | 196 |
113 (58%)83 (42%)
Corrupted Disciple | 194 |
79 (41%)115 (59%)
Martyr | 194 |
91 (47%)103 (53%)
Bubbles | 192 |
71 (37%)121 (63%)
Demented Shaman | 191 |
71 (37%)120 (63%)
Lord Salforis | 188 |
64 (34%)124 (66%)
Pestilence | 186 |
94 (51%)92 (49%)
Draconis | 186 |
74 (40%)112 (60%)
Zephyr | 179 |
55 (31%)124 (69%)
Moraxus | 168 |
76 (45%)92 (55%)
Blacksmith | 166 |
84 (51%)82 (49%)
Flux | 165 |
77 (47%)88 (53%)
Behemoth | 163 |
89 (55%)74 (45%)
Dampeer | 159 |
60 (38%)99 (62%)
The Gladiator | 158 |
57 (36%)101 (64%)
Slither | 156 |
74 (47%)82 (53%)
Soulstealer | 152 |
61 (40%)91 (60%)
Swiftblade | 151 |
55 (36%)96 (64%)
Chronos | 149 |
61 (41%)88 (59%)
Ichor | 147 |
67 (46%)80 (54%)
Nomad | 146 |
53 (36%)93 (64%)
Emerald Warden | 146 |
79 (54%)67 (46%)
Cthulhuphant | 144 |
48 (33%)96 (67%)
Sir Benzington | 143 |
64 (45%)79 (55%)