Bottle (3/3) |
K: 293799 (34%)D: 263642 (31%)A: 302725 (35%)
44018 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 650 [Official Site] |
Wins: 21098 (48%)Losses: 22920 (52%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Pyromancer | 2436 |
1171 (48%)1265 (52%)
Devourer | 1809 |
898 (50%)911 (50%)
Bubbles | 1767 |
858 (49%)909 (51%)
Pebbles | 1746 |
882 (51%)864 (49%)
Wretched Hag | 1500 |
687 (46%)813 (54%)
Thunderbringer | 1359 |
665 (49%)694 (51%)
Kraken | 1077 |
530 (49%)547 (51%)
Flint Beastwood | 1073 |
501 (47%)572 (53%)
Soulstealer | 1020 |
474 (46%)546 (54%)
Pandamonium | 1013 |
540 (53%)473 (47%)
Deadwood | 851 |
421 (49%)430 (51%)
Fayde | 824 |
438 (53%)386 (47%)
Draconis | 810 |
365 (45%)445 (55%)
Legionnaire | 791 |
388 (49%)403 (51%)
Doctor Repulsor | 781 |
385 (49%)396 (51%)
Monkey King | 739 |
311 (42%)428 (58%)
Nomad | 707 |
297 (42%)410 (58%)
Lord Salforis | 692 |
288 (42%)404 (58%)
Valkyrie | 676 |
332 (49%)344 (51%)
Magmus | 668 |
351 (53%)317 (47%)
Soul Reaper | 630 |
356 (57%)274 (43%)
Gauntlet | 622 |
276 (44%)346 (56%)
Silhouette | 580 |
253 (44%)327 (56%)
The Gladiator | 559 |
245 (44%)314 (56%)
Sir Benzington | 550 |
258 (47%)292 (53%)
Ellonia | 549 |
236 (43%)313 (57%)
Midas | 535 |
252 (47%)283 (53%)
Dampeer | 521 |
231 (44%)290 (56%)
Kinesis | 520 |
257 (49%)263 (51%)
Bombardier | 518 |
234 (45%)284 (55%)
Gravekeeper | 496 |
259 (52%)237 (48%)
The Chipper | 485 |
253 (52%)232 (48%)
Rally | 466 |
219 (47%)247 (53%)
Pharaoh | 436 |
245 (56%)191 (44%)
Pollywog Priest | 430 |
211 (49%)219 (51%)
Pestilence | 408 |
216 (53%)192 (47%)
Emerald Warden | 397 |
206 (52%)191 (48%)
Drunken Master | 380 |
149 (39%)231 (61%)
Engineer | 359 |
161 (45%)198 (55%)
Tundra | 357 |
186 (52%)171 (48%)
Gunblade | 352 |
163 (46%)189 (54%)
Parallax | 349 |
152 (44%)197 (56%)
Prisoner 945 | 340 |
165 (49%)175 (51%)
Swiftblade | 328 |
147 (45%)181 (55%)
Grinex | 291 |
150 (52%)141 (48%)
Flux | 281 |
137 (49%)144 (51%)
Chi | 277 |
124 (45%)153 (55%)
Riftwalker | 273 |
135 (49%)138 (51%)
Rampage | 272 |
151 (56%)121 (44%)
Corrupted Disciple | 266 |
123 (46%)143 (54%)