Orb of Zamos |
K: 40168 (19%)D: 75136 (35%)A: 96923 (46%)
11749 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 300 [Official Site] |
Wins: 5280 (45%)Losses: 6469 (55%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Witch Slayer | 1009 |
436 (43%)573 (57%)
Voodoo Jester | 676 |
316 (47%)360 (53%)
Glacius | 520 |
258 (50%)262 (50%)
Myrmidon | 372 |
163 (44%)209 (56%)
Demented Shaman | 370 |
180 (49%)190 (51%)
Engineer | 351 |
156 (44%)195 (56%)
Empath | 302 |
122 (40%)180 (60%)
Blacksmith | 292 |
130 (45%)162 (55%)
Plague Rider | 263 |
133 (51%)130 (49%)
Slither | 258 |
116 (45%)142 (55%)
Pollywog Priest | 251 |
121 (48%)130 (52%)
Monarch | 250 |
100 (40%)150 (60%)
Devourer | 249 |
118 (47%)131 (53%)
Nymphora | 229 |
105 (46%)124 (54%)
Kinesis | 227 |
96 (42%)131 (58%)
Magmus | 222 |
110 (50%)112 (50%)
Aluna | 208 |
84 (40%)124 (60%)
Skrap | 202 |
100 (50%)102 (50%)
Pyromancer | 199 |
76 (38%)123 (62%)
Riftwalker | 196 |
93 (47%)103 (53%)
Blitz | 196 |
86 (44%)110 (56%)
Martyr | 194 |
86 (44%)108 (56%)
The Chipper | 190 |
99 (52%)91 (48%)
Pearl | 181 |
71 (39%)110 (61%)
Vindicator | 176 |
75 (43%)101 (57%)
Rhapsody | 173 |
76 (44%)97 (56%)
Revenant | 164 |
75 (46%)89 (54%)
Prophet | 155 |
75 (48%)80 (52%)
Andromeda | 149 |
77 (52%)72 (48%)
Behemoth | 145 |
77 (53%)68 (47%)
Midas | 136 |
43 (32%)93 (68%)
Accursed | 122 |
58 (48%)64 (52%)
Ellonia | 121 |
56 (46%)65 (54%)
Emerald Warden | 119 |
63 (53%)56 (47%)
Succubus | 116 |
54 (47%)62 (53%)
Thunderbringer | 115 |
55 (48%)60 (52%)
Geomancer | 115 |
43 (37%)72 (63%)
Artesia | 113 |
51 (45%)62 (55%)
Valkyrie | 110 |
42 (38%)68 (62%)
Goldenveil | 108 |
47 (44%)61 (56%)
Rampage | 107 |
50 (47%)57 (53%)
Hellbringer | 100 |
52 (52%)48 (48%)
Jeraziah | 96 |
59 (61%)37 (39%)
Circe | 91 |
43 (47%)48 (53%)
Ichor | 76 |
28 (37%)48 (63%)
Bombardier | 76 |
35 (46%)41 (54%)
Soul Reaper | 75 |
45 (60%)30 (40%)
Moira | 74 |
28 (38%)46 (62%)
Torturer | 66 |
29 (44%)37 (56%)
Fayde | 61 |
32 (52%)29 (48%)