Bottle (3/3) |
K: 141128 (34%)D: 125861 (31%)A: 144295 (35%)
21442 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 650 [Official Site] |
Wins: 10346 (48%)Losses: 11096 (52%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Pyromancer | 1160 |
545 (47%)615 (53%)
Devourer | 969 |
503 (52%)466 (48%)
Bubbles | 791 |
391 (49%)400 (51%)
Pebbles | 781 |
388 (50%)393 (50%)
Wretched Hag | 718 |
332 (46%)386 (54%)
Deadwood | 712 |
405 (57%)307 (43%)
Thunderbringer | 536 |
250 (47%)286 (53%)
Flint Beastwood | 520 |
245 (47%)275 (53%)
Draconis | 489 |
234 (48%)255 (52%)
Kraken | 487 |
234 (48%)253 (52%)
Gauntlet | 454 |
224 (49%)230 (51%)
Pandamonium | 420 |
214 (51%)206 (49%)
Soulstealer | 416 |
183 (44%)233 (56%)
Grinex | 414 |
262 (63%)152 (37%)
Fayde | 401 |
202 (50%)199 (50%)
Legionnaire | 367 |
166 (45%)201 (55%)
Lord Salforis | 330 |
139 (42%)191 (58%)
Bombardier | 308 |
128 (42%)180 (58%)
Doctor Repulsor | 307 |
152 (50%)155 (50%)
Magmus | 306 |
140 (46%)166 (54%)
Valkyrie | 304 |
148 (49%)156 (51%)
The Gladiator | 285 |
129 (45%)156 (55%)
Silhouette | 272 |
125 (46%)147 (54%)
Nomad | 268 |
131 (49%)137 (51%)
Pharaoh | 267 |
138 (52%)129 (48%)
Rally | 266 |
136 (51%)130 (49%)
The Chipper | 261 |
127 (49%)134 (51%)
Monkey King | 251 |
94 (37%)157 (63%)
Ellonia | 237 |
101 (43%)136 (57%)
Kinesis | 235 |
115 (49%)120 (51%)
Midas | 231 |
113 (49%)118 (51%)
Sir Benzington | 228 |
104 (46%)124 (54%)
Dampeer | 227 |
111 (49%)116 (51%)
Emerald Warden | 224 |
118 (53%)106 (47%)
Pollywog Priest | 212 |
106 (50%)106 (50%)
Swiftblade | 211 |
96 (45%)115 (55%)
Pestilence | 207 |
107 (52%)100 (48%)
Witch Slayer | 199 |
108 (54%)91 (46%)
Gravekeeper | 193 |
103 (53%)90 (47%)
Riftwalker | 188 |
91 (48%)97 (52%)
Gunblade | 184 |
88 (48%)96 (52%)
Soul Reaper | 172 |
81 (47%)91 (53%)
Prisoner 945 | 168 |
72 (43%)96 (57%)
Drunken Master | 168 |
85 (51%)83 (49%)
Engineer | 167 |
81 (49%)86 (51%)
Tundra | 158 |
81 (51%)77 (49%)
Chi | 152 |
72 (47%)80 (53%)
The Madman | 138 |
64 (46%)74 (54%)
Rampage | 132 |
69 (52%)63 (48%)
Hellbringer | 130 |
67 (52%)63 (48%)