Logger's Hatchet |
K: 280015 (28%)D: 359829 (36%)A: 348223 (36%)
64433 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 150 [Official Site] |
Wins: 25956 (40%)Losses: 38477 (60%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Solstice | 2540 |
925 (36%)1615 (64%)
Amun-Ra | 2269 |
1159 (51%)1110 (49%)
Devourer | 2025 |
859 (42%)1166 (58%)
Flint Beastwood | 1403 |
569 (41%)834 (59%)
Legionnaire | 1396 |
517 (37%)879 (63%)
Grinex | 1370 |
704 (51%)666 (49%)
Predator | 1328 |
561 (42%)767 (58%)
Night Hound | 1315 |
542 (41%)773 (59%)
Rampage | 1259 |
564 (45%)695 (55%)
Chronos | 1195 |
417 (35%)778 (65%)
Ravenor | 1136 |
421 (37%)715 (63%)
Pyromancer | 1119 |
384 (34%)735 (66%)
Blood Hunter | 1113 |
515 (46%)598 (54%)
Armadon | 1022 |
417 (41%)605 (59%)
Deadwood | 999 |
518 (52%)481 (48%)
Valkyrie | 999 |
435 (44%)564 (56%)
Scout | 978 |
277 (28%)701 (72%)
War Beast | 921 |
489 (53%)432 (47%)
Bubbles | 919 |
375 (41%)544 (59%)
Pandamonium | 877 |
340 (39%)537 (61%)
Wretched Hag | 874 |
327 (37%)547 (63%)
Arachna | 836 |
360 (43%)476 (57%)
Dampeer | 832 |
324 (39%)508 (61%)
Magmus | 830 |
333 (40%)497 (60%)
Pharaoh | 826 |
396 (48%)430 (52%)
Magebane | 775 |
281 (36%)494 (64%)
Gauntlet | 760 |
303 (40%)457 (60%)
Draconis | 759 |
311 (41%)448 (59%)
Fayde | 752 |
375 (50%)377 (50%)
Kane | 750 |
390 (52%)360 (48%)
Forsaken Archer | 750 |
258 (34%)492 (66%)
Kraken | 719 |
270 (38%)449 (62%)
Pebbles | 719 |
242 (34%)477 (66%)
Nomad | 717 |
228 (32%)489 (68%)
Swiftblade | 711 |
207 (29%)504 (71%)
Lord Salforis | 688 |
234 (34%)454 (66%)
Keeper of the Forest | 661 |
310 (47%)351 (53%)
Zephyr | 659 |
249 (38%)410 (62%)
Pestilence | 617 |
295 (48%)322 (52%)
The Gladiator | 614 |
264 (43%)350 (57%)
Gunblade | 575 |
231 (40%)344 (60%)
Hammerstorm | 564 |
195 (35%)369 (65%)
Emerald Warden | 547 |
238 (44%)309 (56%)
Thunderbringer | 514 |
210 (41%)304 (59%)
Moon Queen | 510 |
177 (35%)333 (65%)
Sand Wraith | 508 |
194 (38%)314 (62%)
Sir Benzington | 506 |
180 (36%)326 (64%)
Soulstealer | 494 |
187 (38%)307 (62%)
Behemoth | 486 |
210 (43%)276 (57%)
Bushwack | 471 |
140 (30%)331 (70%)