Logger's Hatchet |
K: 192716 (28%)D: 254735 (37%)A: 241276 (35%)
45256 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 150 [Official Site] |
Wins: 17755 (39%)Losses: 27501 (61%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Solstice | 1829 |
656 (36%)1173 (64%)
Amun-Ra | 1532 |
744 (49%)788 (51%)
Devourer | 1493 |
656 (44%)837 (56%)
Legionnaire | 1184 |
395 (33%)789 (67%)
Armadon | 1119 |
516 (46%)603 (54%)
Predator | 996 |
404 (41%)592 (59%)
Night Hound | 968 |
406 (42%)562 (58%)
Rampage | 960 |
415 (43%)545 (57%)
Flint Beastwood | 935 |
361 (39%)574 (61%)
Chronos | 795 |
259 (33%)536 (67%)
Bushwack | 780 |
281 (36%)499 (64%)
Pharaoh | 778 |
405 (52%)373 (48%)
Wretched Hag | 731 |
271 (37%)460 (63%)
Ravenor | 726 |
257 (35%)469 (65%)
Pyromancer | 712 |
244 (34%)468 (66%)
Blood Hunter | 664 |
289 (44%)375 (56%)
Valkyrie | 655 |
263 (40%)392 (60%)
Bubbles | 654 |
236 (36%)418 (64%)
Pandamonium | 634 |
236 (37%)398 (63%)
War Beast | 612 |
291 (48%)321 (52%)
Fayde | 590 |
286 (48%)304 (52%)
Pebbles | 582 |
192 (33%)390 (67%)
Draconis | 577 |
245 (42%)332 (58%)
Magmus | 560 |
250 (45%)310 (55%)
Hammerstorm | 557 |
207 (37%)350 (63%)
Scout | 546 |
133 (24%)413 (76%)
Arachna | 541 |
206 (38%)335 (62%)
Zephyr | 522 |
183 (35%)339 (65%)
Magebane | 516 |
194 (38%)322 (62%)
Pestilence | 515 |
200 (39%)315 (61%)
Grinex | 509 |
231 (45%)278 (55%)
Gauntlet | 503 |
201 (40%)302 (60%)
Dampeer | 493 |
176 (36%)317 (64%)
Swiftblade | 484 |
122 (25%)362 (75%)
Moon Queen | 474 |
209 (44%)265 (56%)
Nomad | 465 |
141 (30%)324 (70%)
The Gladiator | 458 |
161 (35%)297 (65%)
Drunken Master | 454 |
193 (43%)261 (57%)
Deadwood | 448 |
201 (45%)247 (55%)
Lord Salforis | 437 |
149 (34%)288 (66%)
Sir Benzington | 432 |
177 (41%)255 (59%)
Thunderbringer | 427 |
173 (41%)254 (59%)
Puppet Master | 420 |
150 (36%)270 (64%)
Keeper of the Forest | 419 |
179 (43%)240 (57%)
Emerald Warden | 408 |
180 (44%)228 (56%)
Prisoner 945 | 364 |
168 (46%)196 (54%)
Forsaken Archer | 339 |
118 (35%)221 (65%)
Monkey King | 333 |
97 (29%)236 (71%)
Gunblade | 318 |
134 (42%)184 (58%)
Kraken | 314 |
98 (31%)216 (69%)