Minor Totem |
K: 54502 (24%)D: 92737 (41%)A: 78249 (35%)
16476 Matches 7 Days | 30 Days | 90 Days Last Update: |
Cost: 50 [Official Site] |
Wins: 5602 (34%)Losses: 10874 (66%)
Most Purchased by Heroes | Matches | Wins : Losses | |
Flint Beastwood | 885 |
310 (35%)575 (65%)
Bushwack | 533 |
175 (33%)358 (67%)
Witch Slayer | 505 |
215 (43%)290 (57%)
Pyromancer | 492 |
151 (31%)341 (69%)
Swiftblade | 450 |
157 (35%)293 (65%)
Bubbles | 424 |
135 (32%)289 (68%)
Wretched Hag | 407 |
123 (30%)284 (70%)
Valkyrie | 373 |
136 (36%)237 (64%)
Nomad | 343 |
139 (41%)204 (59%)
The Dark Lady | 313 |
103 (33%)210 (67%)
Rampage | 287 |
131 (46%)156 (54%)
Chronos | 280 |
88 (31%)192 (69%)
Soul Reaper | 280 |
124 (44%)156 (56%)
Arachna | 273 |
88 (32%)185 (68%)
Magmus | 246 |
109 (44%)137 (56%)
Night Hound | 241 |
65 (27%)176 (73%)
Midas | 241 |
81 (34%)160 (66%)
Emerald Warden | 235 |
76 (32%)159 (68%)
Amun-Ra | 206 |
90 (44%)116 (56%)
Moon Queen | 201 |
58 (29%)143 (71%)
Predator | 200 |
71 (36%)129 (64%)
Scout | 195 |
56 (29%)139 (71%)
Tarot | 189 |
36 (19%)153 (81%)
Doctor Repulsor | 187 |
48 (26%)139 (74%)
Voodoo Jester | 185 |
64 (35%)121 (65%)
Pebbles | 177 |
52 (29%)125 (71%)
Gunblade | 174 |
53 (30%)121 (70%)
Forsaken Archer | 174 |
53 (30%)121 (70%)
Puppet Master | 170 |
52 (31%)118 (69%)
Devourer | 168 |
64 (38%)104 (62%)
Plague Rider | 167 |
73 (44%)94 (56%)
Behemoth | 166 |
65 (39%)101 (61%)
Engineer | 163 |
57 (35%)106 (65%)
Silhouette | 157 |
41 (26%)116 (74%)
Pollywog Priest | 155 |
45 (29%)110 (71%)
Blood Hunter | 153 |
71 (46%)82 (54%)
Kinesis | 150 |
50 (33%)100 (67%)
Soulstealer | 145 |
25 (17%)120 (83%)
Bombardier | 138 |
42 (30%)96 (70%)
Slither | 133 |
54 (41%)79 (59%)
Zephyr | 126 |
42 (33%)84 (67%)
Parallax | 124 |
22 (18%)102 (82%)
Lord Salforis | 118 |
38 (32%)80 (68%)
Ellonia | 115 |
42 (37%)73 (63%)
Geomancer | 114 |
43 (38%)71 (62%)
Pharaoh | 112 |
39 (35%)73 (65%)
Fayde | 111 |
55 (50%)56 (50%)
Master Of Arms | 108 |
39 (36%)69 (64%)
Glacius | 107 |
40 (37%)67 (63%)
Gauntlet | 105 |
29 (28%)76 (72%)